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Monday, October 24, 2005

First Annual Russia Foursquare Leadership Conference

Conference attendees
We are back from our trip to Sochi, Russia. Sochi is a tourist city located in the southwest of Russia on the shores of the Black Sea. There are currently two churches in Sochi which are in the process of becoming a part of the Foursquare movement in Russia.

The first Foursquare Russia Leadership Conference was held in Sochi last week. About 45 leaders from several major areas of Russia attended. We were able to bring Vadim and Eduard, our church planting partners from the town of Zavolzha, and Pastors Igor and Olga Voronin, from the church Laza, here in Nizhny Novgorod.

Mike Larkin and Slava Naniyants, Russia National Leader

Jeff Roper our supervisor, and Mike Larkin, director of Foursquare Missions also attended. Mike was the morning speaker each day.

Time was spent in building ongoing relationship, casting vision for the future of Foursquare Russia, and ministering to one another. The second afternoon we held a business meeting to discuss the registration process for the churches and to elect/appoint regional representatives.
Nizhny Leaders at the Business meeting

Karen and I were able to spend an extra two days in Sochi relaxing before our trip home. The weather was cool and rainy but better than snow and ice, which we expect in Nizhny Novgorod soon. Unfortunately we both came down with some bug on our last day and we are still fighting the effects of this illness.

Karen and I: Note the Palm trees!

Below are some photos of the conference.

Russian Leaders from our city,
Nizhny Novgorod

Mike Larkin, Slava, Korean Foursquare Missionary to The Sakalin Islands, Russia, Yung Wan, and His Korean Pastor

Jeff and Debbie Roper our Foursquare Missions supervisors from America

1 comment:

Plasma centre near me said...

We are excited to announce the upcoming First Annual Russia Foursquare Leadership Conference. Chat GPT Login Made Easy: A Step By Step Guide This event is set to bring together leaders from all across Russia who are passionate about Foursquare and its mission.