Wow, it has been one month since I posted anything here. I usually try and out up an article every week. we have had a busy month.
The highlight of the month for me was an opportunity to preach at Cornerstone Church, Nizhny Novgorod. The title of my message was "Come To the Waters". It was gratifying at the conclusion of the message to see seven people respond to the call to commitment and repentance, and begin the walk of discipleship. Our prayer is that the word fell on good soil.
Of course we continue to minister in several rehab centers, and to the residents of the social Center, sponsored by the church.
Here are a few photos.
Rehab Center - Dzerzhinsk
Keeping things simple allows them to be self-supporting
Keeping things simple allows them to be self-supporting
with the Glory of the Lord on their faces.
All Former Addicts - Now Following Christ
Now Set Free!
We watched Lena struggle during her first few weeks in rehab
Now she is a radiant new believer
Going to Siberia!
As I write today Karen and I are making last minute preparations for a two week trip to central Russia.
We have been invited to conduct a marriage seminar for Cornerstone Church, in the city of Sharipova. we have never been there and have yet to meet the pastor or leadership. We should have fun. The seminar is schedule for three days. Details are a bit sketchy, so we will just have to wait until we arrive to see what will actually happen.
We will also be preaching in Achinsk Russia, and possibly Krasnoyarsk. We are assuming that we will minister in a few drug rehabs, as all the churches we will visit operate a rehab center. In Achinsk we will also attend a two day leadership meeting for Russian pastor and leaders, and then attend the annual conference of the Association of Cornerstone Churches. The actual conference will be attended by nearly 2000 believers, most of whom are former drug addicts, criminals and alcoholics.
It promises to be another busy month. We are so happy to living in Russia and being a part of the work that God is doing here. It is an amazing and humbling thing to see so many lives changed.
Hurray for the saints.
Love this report. Our God is a mighty God.
Love the photo of the Old man Preacher. He looks like Moses.
Praise God for souls in the kingdome...brothers and sisters across the to Siberia...sounds cold....70 degrees in Maine USA today...and 'sun' is shining...had a lot of wet rainy days...very unusual...we pray and believe for a continued great harvest...our mission column will have your recent entry so we can keep up with you...blessings and heath and provision be yours abundantly above!!!
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