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Sunday, January 21, 2007

First Nations Team - Day One - January 10


On Wednesday January 10 Karen & I boarded the early morning train to Moscow from Nizhny Novgorod. Our final destination in Moscow was Sheremetrovo International airport, where we would meet a team of Indigenous Peoples from the Americas. We were hosting this team in Nizhny where they would hold several concerts and give cultural presentations. These activities were to help us in our church planting efforts in Nizhny and Zavolzha.

The small team was led by Cheryl Bear Barnetson, a native of British Columbia, Canada, from the Yinka Dene Nadleh Whut’en tribe. Cheryl and her husband Randy are pastors of the First Nations Church in Los Angeles where they have a Bible School which is training indigenous believers to reach their people in a culturally relevant way.

The other team members were Heidi Dunham, whose native heritage is Quechua–Aymara from Bolivia, and James Kellems, whose heritage is Blackfoot and Cherokee. Both Heidi and James are students at the First Nations Bible School.

After meeting the team at the airport, we had just enough time to go to the train station where we would catch an overnight train to Nizhny, stash the baggage in a secure place, and then ride the metro to Red Square for some brief sight seeing. From there we went straight back to the train station, retrieved the bags and boarded our train for Nizhny. By then it was 11 PM local time.

A Scene in the Subway
After touring Red Square we took the subway back to the train station, grabbed the luggage and boarded the overnight train to Nizhny Novgorod.

A Scene in Red Square

At the Moscow Kursky Train Station

Cheryl Bear Barnetson boarding the train

Train Sleeper Compartment

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